Cras tristique, ante in rhoncus venenatis, leo urna maximus eros, sit amet vestibulum elit massa id eros. Aenean est nibh, vestibulum et lectus sit amet, aliquam ornare orci. Proin a purus nec nunc sagittis semper quis id diam.
Our Unique Approach
Blue Monday, which falls on 18 January in 2016, is allegedly the most depressing day of the year. Understandably, tightened purse strings following the festive splurge, time passed since Christmas and failed new year resolutions is not a combination for happiness – but why is the third Monday in January apparently the worst day of the year?
Design & Photography
Cras tristique, ante in rhoncus venenatis, leo urna maximus eros, sit amet vestibulum elit massa id eros. Aenean est nibh, vestibulum et lectus sit amet, aliquam ornare orci. Proin a purus nec nunc sagittis semper quis id diam.
Leadership Development
Understandably, tightened purse strings following the festive splurge, time passed since Christmas and failed new year resolutions is not a combination for happiness – but why is the third Monday in January apparently the worst day of the year? Blue Monday, which falls on 18 January in 2016, is allegedly the most depressing day of the year.
Cras tristique, ante in rhoncus venenatis, leo urna maximus eros, sit amet vestibulum elit massa id eros. Aenean est nibh, vestibulum et lectus sit amet, aliquam ornare orci. Proin a purus nec nunc sagittis semper quis id diam.
Sales Effectiveness
The third Monday of January is supposed to be the most depressing day of the year. Whether you believe that or not, the long nights, cold weather and trying to keep to new year resolutions are all probably getting to you a little by now. To make matters worse many will still be recovering from their Christmas spending